Enterprise Link Training and
Advanced Topics in C++ and Object-Oriented
Course Description
Course Goals
- Learn good design practices to
follow and programming pitfalls to avoid
- Use advanced C++ language features
- Enumerate reusable programming
and implementation techniques
- Program effectively in C++
Five days.
This five day course for software
engineers and programmers teaches advanced C++ language features, and demonstrates
how to apply those features to actual programming problems. The course emphasizes
understanding why and when to use a language feature as well as how. This is
a hands-on course consisting of 50% lecture and 50% laboratory exercises. Real
world examples are presented, giving students an understanding of how to solve
genuine programming problems in C++.
- Representation Invariant and
Copy Semantics
- Type Mismatch Resolution
- Advanced Associations and Pointer
Based Implementation
- Sensible Application of Inheritance
and Virtual Functions
- Metatype, Parameterized Type,
and Templates
- Advanced Associations and Pointer
Based Implementation, Part II
- Exception Handling
- Memory Management
- Multiple Inheritance
- Design Patterns
Software engineers, programmers,
product designers, and technical managers.
Several months C++ programming experience
is prerequisite for this course.
For More Information Contact Us at
[email protected]
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Copyright � 2007, David M. Papurt