David M. Papurt is an internationally recognized software consultant, mentor, and trainer based in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He has developed applications using object-oriented techniques since 1987, specializing in Java, C++, and object-oriented design. Since receiving his Ph.D. from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1982 he has been Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering, and has founded a company that develops and markets laser based dimensional metrology instrumentation for industrial applications. He holds five U.S. Patents. Dr. Papurt has trained, authored, and consulted on a variety of object-oriented topics since 1990, and is a columnist on Design with Java in the Journal of Object-Orieneted Programming. Formerly he was a columnist on The Object Model in Report on Object Analysis and Design. Recently, he published Inside the Object Model: The Sensible Use of C++ (SIGS Books, 1995, distributed by Prentice-Hall), a text that unifies object-oriented analysis, design, and programming. He has written a series of Java, C++, and object technology courses which he presents to clients worldwide.
Recent project experience includes an extensible discrete event simulation system, a derivative securities analysis system for financial investment decision making, and metrology instrumentation control and calibration programs.
Java, C++, C, FORTRAN, CLU, Lisp Scheme, Pascal, MS DOS, MS Windows, OS/2, UNIX.
1982 - Ph.D., Electrical Engineering,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
1979 - M.S., Electrical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
1977 - B.A., Music, University of Toledo. Scholarship Piano Student of Frances
1977 - B.S., Electrical Engineering, University of Toledo.
Copyright � 2007, David M. Papurt