Enterprise Link Training and Consulting

Java Training Courses and C++ Training Courses

World Class Java and C++ Programming Language Training, Courses, and Instruction


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Training Courses in Java Programming and C++ Programming, Instruction in Java and C++ Programming Languages, Seminars, Workshops, and Classes in Java and C++

Enterprise Link Training and Consulting develops and presents Object-Oriented Technology and Design Training Courses, C++ Training Courses, Java Training Courses, and other programming language training courses as well as courseware on proprietary software products.  Our workshops and training seminars on Java and C++ programming and design are the highest quality, most up to date, and most advanced in the field. We present basic, introductory, and advanced Java and C++ courses, and develop and customize courseware to your needs. Our Java courses, C++ courses, and other programming language training classes incorporate the most modern education and teaching methods available. Our C++ and Java instructors have real world mentoring and consulting experience: Most instructors have over a decade of experience - all will simplify learning for you and your staff.

Our Java courses and C++ courses describe how to incorporate these technologies into Internet and Web based programs. We specialize in enterprise programming topics including distributed programs, JDBC database connectivity, RMI, CORBA and Java IDL, web development, and servlets as well as the more introductory topics of applets and applications.

Founded in 1990 by world famous consultant, trainer, and author David Papurt, Enterprise Link Training and Consulting has delivered hundreds of Java training course presentations and C++ training course presentations to many tens of satisfied clients. Enterprise Link Training and Consulting is based in Boston, but regularly presents Java training courses and C++ training courses to clients in the Chicago, New York, San Jose, and Dallas areas as well as many other locations worldwide.

Our founder has also written a highly acclaimed text on C++ and Object Modeling.

If you need world class Java training or C++ training, or just want more information, then contact us by email  at [email protected] or by telephone at (412) 521-4342.


Training Courses in Java Programming and C++ Programming, Instruction in Java and C++ Programming Languages, Seminars, Workshops, and Classes in Java and C++

Our Java Training Courses and C++ Training Courses

Java Courses

C++ Courses

Java Language Training Courses and C++ Language Training Courses, Instruction in Java and C++, Courseware Development and Customization

Other Information

Client List

Company Info

How to Contact Us

Founder Biography

Object Oriented Modeling: We Wrote the Book Training Courses Presented Worldwide, in Boston, Chicago, New York, San Jose, Dallas

Java Training and C++ Training, Java Instruction and C++ Instruction, Java Classes and C++ Classes

For More Information Contact Us at [email protected]

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Java Training and C++ Training, Java Instruction and C++ Instruction, Java Classes and C++ Classes


Copyright © 2007, David M. Papurt